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Example Projects

Here are a few on-going programmes that we have been running recently

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Innovation Forum Oxford

Female founders in Bio-Medical Research Leadership Programme


Milly Sinclair Associates co-developed a powerful 6 week programme with Innovation Forum to support an International group of female scientists to bring their businesses to the world:  This is an on-going programme.

"My experience with the WE ACE programme has been one of self discovery, resolute in my offer to the world as an entrepreneur and a brilliant dealmaker, indicative of the high quality and content of the WE ACE programme."

            Ella Anwi-Ticehurst - Co-Founder and CEO, Hurst AI Screening

Mira Kassouf - Programme co-ordinator

for Innovation Forum Oxford

Bio Medical Research Centre for Cardiovascular Clinicians

Senior leadership programme for female Cardiovascular Clinicians.


Milly Sinclair Associates created a 6 month leadership programme to encourage women to step into Senior leadership positions


NHS Milly Sinclair

"The programme catalyzed my growth and spurred me to action both for my own career and also to influence the culture at my work to make it more inclusive for all."                    Dr Ashley Kamimae-Lanning

Radcliffe dept of medicine

Leadership programme for senior post-docs in scientific research

Milly Sinclair Associates created a 6 month programme for the Radcliffe Department of  Medicine and has run it 6 times

"The programme leader created a safe space to create a community where we could express our opinions, dreams and fears without risk of being judged or criticised."                                                                 Dr Ed Tunacliffe

ed tunacliffe

Resilience and Well-being for leaders of OUP

We have worked extensively with Oxford University Press to run an organisation- wide programme on Resilience and Well-being.

oxford university press

"Oxford University Press was keen to implement an organisational wide pressure management programme to help all levels of staff manage pressure more effectively… We have found their flexible and human approach provide a perfect balance between theory and practice."

                                                                               Liz Grolimund - HR Director, Oxford University Press

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amnesty international

Conflict Transformation and Culture Change

Milly Sinclair worked with Ben Yeger:  to run a programme to support Amnesty International through a time of change. 

"Their trust in each other and the process was wonderful and I have applied what I have learnt about conflict transformation  into my work to great impact."                                                                            Rachel Amato

Race and Racism for people with Sickle Cell
Hematology Department: John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford

We ran a six month project with patients and clincians around patients with SC anemia, and their experience of racism, how to raise awareness, education and disseminate the knowledge around the UK.

Milly Sinclair Patient Consultation

"The facilitators created a safe environment for real stories to be told and heard, and hard truths to be expressed.  We all left the session changed."

                                                                          Professor Noemi Roy - Hematology clinician

Women in clinical nuroscience

Nuffield Women in Clinical Neuroscience Conference:  WICN

We have developed and facilitated conferences for ‘Nuffield Women in Neuroscience’     We used ‘Open Space’ to facilitate large groups of people having to find collective solutions to thorny issues. 

Woman as One

Rise Conference for 250 + female Cardiovascular practitioners

We are creating an interactive intervention with actors using a powerful theatrical tool called ‘Forum Theatre’ which will engage all 250 women.  We will be exploring how to address inappropriate comments in a culture of misogyny.


This will take place August 2024.

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